Sunday, October 28, 2012

Great news for all my followers.  If you are following me from Independence at Christine's Corner for Scrapbooking and you loved to attend Katie Butler's classes, you will have another chance.  She will be teaching at Speedy Scrappers on November 10 and Novebmer 11.  Here are her flyers:


As you can see, that flyer is for the Paper Crafting with Zentangles.  It promisses to be a lot of fun.  If you have never taken a class with Katie, you really should!  Katie is vivacious and full of energy.  Her scrappbooking style is eclectic, so it is a sure bet she has something in her repretoire that you can use.  Her second class is on Alcohol Inks, here is that flyer:
She will be teaching both classes twice, once on Saturday and once on Sunday.  If you are interested in attending, contact me at christinescrops@gmail.